Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Come to my Party? Please?

So, my friend Beth made a comment on one of my posts that gave me an idea. One of the things I have been doing as a stay-at-home mom is trying to be more self-sufficient. Buying less convenience foods, making or repairing things instead of buying. Making our tiny house work for us. Etc. It makes me feel like Laura Ingalls sometimes. Did you ever read those books? I did. I read the series maybe four times. No joke.

So I thought it would be fun to have a "Get your Laura Ingalls On" party. This might be a bad idea, since it's not like I have a million followers, but I thought it would be fun to hear and learn from you guys about ways you are more self-sufficient. Do you make your own amazing pie crust? Can you milk a cow? Knit? Construct? I'm not going to be picky.

So what you do is write a blog post (or find an old one) about your really cool ability, and sometime between now and then I'll figure out how to set up a McLinky. On the day of the party, you link up your post to my McLinky.

Now I'm going to set up an arbitrary date. How about September 24th? It's a Friday. I don't know how to make a button, but if you think this is a cool idea spread the word and we can all be Laura Ingalls together on Sep. 24th. Unless you want to be Mary, Carrie or Grace. Or Ma. Or Michael Landon. I'm not gonna judge. :0) September 24th: Get Your Laura Ingalls On Party. Be There!


  1. What if my abilities are not particularly amazing, but just average as I learn to make my own beans, bread, etc.?

  2. This sounds like fun, Ally. Good idea. I, too, sometimes feel the same way, with all the things we do. :) What to choose?? ;)

  3. Mothership--You bring up a good point. No, it can be just something you're trying out. This is what I do in pretty much ALL my posts.

    Erin--Good! You have many crafty abilities!

  4. Just wanted to let you know to include me - just email me details!

  5. Hi Friend. I did a LI post but have no clue how to link anything. I am pretty challenged! Oh well.

  6. I love this idea and can’t wait for the party.


I'll take a comment with a side of comments!