The couches we have in our living room were graciously lent to us by one of Mr. Wonderful's buddies. His buddy is renting a room right now and needed a place to keep his furniture. Seeing as how we were using a futon at the time, we went for it, even though the sofas weren't exactly scaled right for our 10x10 space:

But, said buddy is to be wed in March and will be ready to claim his furniture (and bride! ;0) So, we've been doing a lot of shopping and researching in order to be ready. Yes, we could bring the futon back upstairs, but we think we're ready to make this purchase. We decided a small sectional would be ideal for the space. Lots of seating, won't be awkward to try and fit in. Won't encroach on the foyer. Blah, blah, blah.
Here was our original list of requirements:
slipcovered (I'm picturing lots of spills in our future)
sleeper (for when Ava gets her big girl room someday and the guests have nowhere to go)
Not too poofy
After shopping around town and online I realized that this would be a difficult list to satisfy. I originally thought we would get the Ektorp from Ikea, but found out that they discontinued the sleeper in the sectional. And for some strange reason, slipcovered couches are generally a) hard to find and b) ridiculously expensive. Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware (which has 5-figure sectionals), Crate & Barrel. Not in the budget.
However, I have been happily surprised by the amount of smaller sized sectionals we have found compared with the last time we looked, which was about a year ago. You may remember my masterpiece, Ginormous Furniture Epidemic. Apparently the corporate giant furniture manufacturers read it and my voice was heard! Just kidding.
And don't even get me started on color! Of course I want one of those super beautiful beach-y pristine white slipped sofas, but that's not going to happen. a) I know you just have to bleach it and it'll be clean--but you still have to bleach it, and I'm not that motivated. b) I don't want our guests to be squeamish about sitting on our furniture. So maybe in 10 years or something.
So, okay we've checked off white, off-white, tan (still would show a lot of stains), and pretty much all the Restoration Hardware colors (they have about 10 variations of off-white. It's actually kind of funny to look at their website). Then I thought about my obsession with red couches. I like this idea, but am afraid it will make my living room look like a crayon box threw up. But I do want to just not worry about it and buy what I like and what makes my eyes happy. Still under consideration.
Darker blue. That's what we had before and I really liked it.
Some shade of green. The Ektorp has a really cute new green color. Hmmm...
Dark brown. That's what we have now and I just feel like there is a lot of brown in our room. BUT maybe I'd feel differently if the furniture was scaled better for our room.
Basically I've come to the conclusion that if I end up not liking the color in our room I can always paint the walls and that we probably won't always live in this house, but it would really stink if what we picked out didn't go with the rug I spent four months making.
Yesterday, Mr. Wonderful and I got to thinking about our list of requirements for the couch again. We decided it doesn't HAVE to be a sleeper sofa. We can come up with alternatives for guests. And sometimes those sleepers aren't all that comfortable anyway. And I decided that maybe I have to let go of my slipcover dreams and just get upholstery or microfiber. But I draw the line at a poofy couch!
We had originally planned an Ikea run last weekend, but Ava got croup so we ended up not going. I have found some really good deals in town here, and some of them are made locally, which I definitely like. So we may forgo the trip altogether. I'm excited to make this decision so I can stop thinking about it!!!
But if you are still reading and have any insight, let me know. And also, you are a saint. :0)
Hey--your brain works a lot like mine! :)
ReplyDeleteWe've had microfiber for about 8 years and we LOVE it. I've gotten spaghetti sauce, blood, and ink off of it with just a damp rag and a little dish soap! That's with two kids and pets (and a husband). It still looks good! Also, Aerobeds are wonderful for company. Just got one this year and we're ditching the extra bed that we store and pull out every so often for guests.
I really like the Ektorp couches from Ikea, too! They're an option for us when the futon downstairs quits on us someday. :)
you are funny! I think we are picky about couches, too. Can't wait to see what you pick out!